Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What a way to Open! We love you too Burlington!

Having a great and appreciative audience makes performing on stage even more FUN! Thanks to all of Kelly's family and friends for supporting ANNIE! David (Daddy Warbucks), Sandy (Mikey), and myself had a MEET and GREET with a special group tonight. I always enjoy answering questions from the kids and adults too! Thanks MOM for the special Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream cones as our Opening Night treat!


  1. I like the show. You were good. YOU ROCK ANNIE! Written by Katie, age 8, who was in the 4th row last night at the Flynn Theater.

  2. Thanks for coming Katie! We had so much fun in Burlington....wish we could have stayed longer. Keeping following "Annie" on annieontour.com and my blog! Love Ya!

  3. Hi madison my sister lillea LOVED it.HOW OLD ARE YOU. My sister lillea is 5. And I am 8.And my sister faith is 11.Break a leg Katie.

  4. I am 12 tears old. Tell Lillea and Faith "Hi" for me. Did you like our dog Sandy??
